With a long family history that goes back many generations in this area it pains me to see the impact that government neglect is having on our area. The two major parties are simply not up to the job anymore. I can no longer sit back and watch this happen and have decided to run for the state seat of Cairns.

It is time we had a voice in parliament again, not puppets of faceless party machines from Canberra. By posting media releases on this blog the people of Cairns can determine if we have policies and concepts that they agree with.

I ask you to join me in ensuring that Cairns and Far North Queensland gets a fair go.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


In Qld when speed cameras were introduced the government legislated that the funds from detections was to be quarantined from consolidated revenue and could only be used to fund enforcement and education campaigns. This means they are not "revenue raisers" as the monies can't be used to pork barrel electorates at election time. That way when the government says they don't make money from speed cameras and they are a tool used to help reduce the road toll it has some credibility.
Fast forward to the ALP wannabe Prime Minister Julia Gillard saying "there will be no carbon tax under a government I lead". Lied!
Now they want to claim it is urgent circumstances and we need to act on global warming and reduce emissions immediately. The same person who said there would be no carbon tax under a government she leads now thinks we do need one and she is going to bring it in. So exactly where in all the huff and puff is how it is going to impact on emissions. The plain fact is companies are just going to pass the cost on. So the big question then is where does the money go and how will it reduce emissions if companies just pass it on and customers are forced to pay it.
To convince us we need this tax the government has tried to link  this tax to a wave of sweeteners and bribes to try and deflect our attention from what a stupid idea it is by giving some people a bribe that will quickly be eaten up when prices rise.
If this government truly believed this tax was all about reducing emissions and investing in alternate energy sources, why wasn't the entire amount of this new tax quarantined, like speed camera revenue, and every last cent spent on reducing emissions and investing in other energy. If this tax is all about reducing emissions, spend the money on that.
Other wise this is just another tax by stealth. If those people truly believe the drivel they spruik about this tax have the courage of your convictions and direct the monies to that instead of trying to bribe voters to improve your ever dwindling chances of re-election.
Why don't the proponents of this tax divert the monies to creating tax credit opportunites in Australia, creating jobs in Australia, so we know these credits are legitimate and using OUR money in OUR country.

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