With a long family history that goes back many generations in this area it pains me to see the impact that government neglect is having on our area. The two major parties are simply not up to the job anymore. I can no longer sit back and watch this happen and have decided to run for the state seat of Cairns.

It is time we had a voice in parliament again, not puppets of faceless party machines from Canberra. By posting media releases on this blog the people of Cairns can determine if we have policies and concepts that they agree with.

I ask you to join me in ensuring that Cairns and Far North Queensland gets a fair go.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


The recent announcements of cuts to police operational budgets to pay for wage rises for staff is a disgrace and further evidence this govt is totally inept at managing any economy. If The Premier wants to make cuts to police operational budgets how about we start with her security detail for her upcoming junket to Bogata. I will not reveal the numbers or methodology of staff involved as it could place the Premier and officers involved in danger, but let's just say there is considerable expense in airfares, accommodation, food, transport, wages, overtime and allowances. Whilst the Premier is overseas a protection detail is assigned to the Acting Premier in this case Mr Fraser. Further expense. At a time hospital ramping and other services are facing severe shortages why is the Premier wasting money on overseas junkets at this time? She should be staying here and addressing our health issues instead.

So my question is to the Premier are you prepared to put your life at risk and help police budget cuts by not taking a security detail with you and saving tens of thousands of dollars? If you are not, how can you ask the people of Cairns to accept their lives being placed in danger by cuts to operational police budgets?

Here is the media release sent out by me-

The Australian Party candidate for Cairns Darren Hunt has called on the government to confirm budget cuts will not impact on service delivery in Cairns
Mr Hunt said “The mismanagement of our economy by this government has resulted in the lives of Cairns residents being placed in danger. Crisis meetings forcing the Queensland Police Service to cut money from their operational budget to pay for police wage rises, is obscene.”
“Why are the lives of Cairns residents being placed in danger because this government did not plan for a wage increase they knew was coming? If the Premier wants to cut costs how does she feel about cutting the protection detail for her upcoming overseas junket? That would save tens of thousands of dollars from the police budget in airfares, accommodation, penalties etc that could be diverted back to operational police on the beat in Cairns.”
“It is not acceptable that the lives of Cairns residents could be placed in danger because overtime cannot be authorised while she has overseas junkets. It is unacceptable police staff are going to be placed in danger because they cannot be given the equipment they need because of budget saving measures. With current Cairns crime rates we need operational police officers on the streets.”

Media contact
Darren Hunt
Candidate for Cairns

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