With a long family history that goes back many generations in this area it pains me to see the impact that government neglect is having on our area. The two major parties are simply not up to the job anymore. I can no longer sit back and watch this happen and have decided to run for the state seat of Cairns.

It is time we had a voice in parliament again, not puppets of faceless party machines from Canberra. By posting media releases on this blog the people of Cairns can determine if we have policies and concepts that they agree with.

I ask you to join me in ensuring that Cairns and Far North Queensland gets a fair go.

Monday, March 21, 2011


The Queensland Party Candidate for Cairns, Darren(DJ) Hunt has called on the government to take a common sense approach to allow businesses struggling with the impacts of Cyclone Yasi and facing closure to access assistance packages as a matter of urgency.
"Many businesses in our area are struggling as a result of Cyclone Yasi. With the unemployment figures in our area skyrocketing above the national average again, we need to take every step we can to assist local business to protect the jobs we have and prevent further losses. Instead, they are being choked by red tape and inflexible guidelines of government agencies that are pushing them to the point of collapse. ” said Mr Hunt.
Mr Hunt’s comments came after local businesses reported a number of difficulties in accessing assistance programs for employers and employees,  unrealistic time frames for those affected and applications denied due to not having documentation which was destroyed by the Cyclone.
Mr Hunt said “As part of the red tape reduction program the Queensland Party commenced, we have been listening to the issues facing our community. We are hearing over and over again of the issues being faced by people trying to access assistance after Cyclone Yasi. Businesses were only given three weeks to get their applications in. This was ridiculous given that some people weren’t able to get back to their residence in that time, let alone get the paperwork and evidence required to access the assistance. If the paperwork and evidence they require is buried in the landfill with the rest of their belongings destroyed by the impacts of Yasi, they miss out. The bureaucrats don’t realise that it is going to take time to get replacements.”
“Small businesses, partnerships and family trusts have a number of issues they have to overcome to meet the assistance criteria and have reached the stage where they just give up. These aren’t people trying to scam the government so they can go and buy a big screen TV or blow their money down the pub on booze and poker machines. These are people who employ others in our community struggling to keep their head above water through no fault of their own. The money has been made available, but it’s distribution is being choked by red tape.”
“Luckily the bureaucrats have seen sense and at least extended the deadline to 31st March, but this does not go far enough. Owners, managers and staff of the businesses affected by Cyclone Yasi may not have even known of the assistance available or been told they could not apply as the closing date in February had passed. 
Mr Hunt stated “We need to get that money where it is needed most and making sure we don’t add to the unemployment lines of the Far North is essential. The Queensland Party calls on the government to extend the deadlines for employer and wage assistance applications so that no further businesses go to the wall when assistance is available, given that they will play such an essential role in the recovery of the Far North from this disaster. Families are under immense pressure and simple steps can make a huge difference. We call on the government to publicise that the funding has been re-opened/extended and encourage those requiring assistance to apply.”

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